Monday, October 1, 2007

Library Scavenger Hunt #23

The Martin Luther King Jr. Library has a multitude of art instillation's. At first, this assignment seemed quite don ting. However, because of the fantastic pamphlet on art instillation's found inside the library, I was able to find the answer. There are 34 art instillation's inside the MLK library. Although these 34 pieces are permanent fixtures within the library, there are also many more pieces that are rotated.
My favorite of these pieces is located on the fifth floor. This piece is tucked away in a corner that not very many people travel to. In the corner of the fifth floor stands a tall, beehive looking book case. This beehive holds the thesis volumes written by countless alumni of San Jose State University. This piece is called "skeptical" although I am not a fan of the name, I however think it should be called beehive. I find this to be interesting because it displays the hard work of students before me. I think it is great that these thesis' are kept on display in such an intriguing for all to enjoy.

Word Count: 181

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